Using social media to elicit support for health issues

Social media allows people with common interests to interact in the online environment.  Social media groups are formed around an interest but discussions/online posting may discuss the common interest in ways which may seem unexpected.  One example is in craft-related groups, where members post about health issues and how these impact on crafting.  In particular in some quilting groups discussions occur around impact of arthritis and musculoskeletal pain on ability to quilt.

Our research aims to describe how people support one another while experiencing arthritis-related issues that affect their ability to work on their craft.

Academics from two New Zealand universities are collaborating in this research. Dr Day is a nurse and health informatics researcher from The University of Auckland, and Dr Grainger is a rheumatologist from the University of Otago Wellington. Both researchers are interested in how people use social media for health-related support. The student investigator is a summer scholarship student assisting with this research.

You are invited to participate in this research. You are invited because you are a member of a quilting group in Facebook. Participation is voluntary. The invitation to participate is being extended via the admin team of your Facebook group, who has given permission for this research in your group.

To find out more about my research download this participant information sheet.

Once you decide to participate in my research, go to the Facebook group you belong to and respond to the scenarios we will post.

Approved by the University Of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 12th September 2017 for three years, reference number 019783.